With the NYC grid exposed due to outdated infrastructure, what could happen?

In an interview with CBN news Mr. Adam Victor explains how the aging infrastructure of NYC could end up failing again during a natural disaster but that it could be prevented with an up-to-date infrastructure plan. After hurricane Sandy the city suffered blackouts and cost the city more than 25 Billion in clean up, repairs and other rebuilding costs. While it can be easy for city planners to site costs and other reasons for not updating the infrastructure the cost of future outages is incalculable when you add in the stress and added pressure put on the citizens during blackouts and other infrastructure failures.

Adam Victor is doing everything he can to show how having a more up to date infrastructure is more cost effective in the long run. New York City is one of those cities in high risk of sustaining outrageous damage from a natural disasters because of its old infrastructure. Relying on only one source to maintain the whole island is not only ludicrous but its also a very poor plan to keep the city that never sleeps fully functional even with a category 2 hurricane. Is your city fully prepared if natural disaster strikes? Is your city up to date with their infrastructure?

Being smart in how to handle another natural disaster can save billions of dollars and help keep any city fully functional when a tragedy strikes. Adam Victor not only has a plan but he also has the brains to see it through. Don’t run the risk and do get informed.

Adam Victor Terrorist Proof Bunker
Adam Victor Terrorist Proof Bunker

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